Preparatory Processes Sequence of chemical processing of textiles, natural & added impurities
in textiles. Introduction to various preparatory processes for cotton, wool, silk, nylon, polyester, acrylic and blends including
optical whitening. Dyeing Introduction to dyeing of natural and synthetic fibre fabrics and blend
fabric with various dye classes. Color measurement, fastness properties of dyed textiles. Printing Introduction to printing methods and styles of printing, natural and synthetic fibre fabrics and blends. Fastness
properties of printed textiles. Finishing
Introduction to finishing of natural and synthetic
fibre fabrics and their blends including heat setting of synthetic fibre / fabrics. Softeners and stiffening finishes and
their applications. Mechanical finishing stenters and mangles. Easy care finishing of cotton and polyester / cotton blends.
Wool Processing Wool setting and milling. Mildew, rot and moth proofing. Silk Processing Degumming, Silk Dyeing, Silk Printing, Silk Finishing, Weighting of silk and scroop
finish. Suggested Text Books &
References 1. V.A. Shenai, "Technology of Textile
Processing Vol. 2,3,4,6 and 10", Sevak Publisher, Bombay. 2.
J.T. Marsh, "Mercerising", Chapman Publication, London. 3.
J.T. Marsh, "An Introduction to Textile Finishing", Chapman Publication, London. 4. E.R. Trotman, "Textile Technology and Dyeing of Textile Fibres", Griffin Publication, London. 5. V.A. Shenai, "Principle and Practice of Dyeing", Sevak Publisher,
Bombay. 6. V.A. Shenai, "Fundamentals of Principles of
Textile Wet Processing", Sevak Publisher, Bombay. 7.
K.V. Datye and A.A. Vaidya, "Chemical Processing of Synthetic Fibres and Blends", Wiley Publication, New York. 8. R.H. Peter, "Textile Chemistry Vol. 2", Elsevier Publishing, London. 9. J.T. Marsh, "Textile Science", Chapman, London. 10. A.R. Garde and Modi, "Chemical Processing of Cotton and Polyester Blend", ATIRA,
Ahmedabad. 11. "Wet processing" - ATA Set, Textile Association
of India. 12. C.R. Prayag, "Dyeing of Silk and Manmade
Fibre". 13. C.R. Prayag, "Bleaching, Mercerising and
Dyeing of Cotton".
Spinning of Systems other than Cotton Wool Long Staple Spinning - Principles,
working and process parameters of Woollen and Worsted systems. Silk Spinning Reeling,
Yarn Doubling, Spun Silk. Jute Spinning Basic concepts of the spinning process and
machinery. Blends Composition, homogenity methods, processing on short and long
staple spinning. New Spinning Systems New Spinning Systems - Principles, Mechanisms
of yarn formation, Machines and process parameters and yarn properties for - Rotor Spinning, Air-Jet Spinning, Dref Spinning. Suggested Text Books & References 1. K.R. Salhotra, "Spinning of Manmades and Blends", NICTAS Publication, Ahmedabad. 2. O. Nield, "Principles of Rotor Spinning". 3. K.R. Salhotra, "Rotor Spinning", NICTAS Publication, Ahmedabad. 4. E. Oxtoby, "Spun Yarn Technology", Butterworths, London. 5. B.G. Goswami, "Textile Yarns : Technology, Structure and Applications", Textile
Institute, Manchester.
Basic Concepts General
loom elements, classification of looms, primary, secondary and auxillary motions of looms, multiple boxes. Automatic
Looms Automatic looms, advantages over plain looms, basic features, classification,
pirn changing mechanism, warp stop motion and weft feelers. Introduction to Dobby, Jacquard and
Terry Weaving Function of Dobby and Jacquards, Electronic Jacquards, Computer controlled weaving. Principles of Weft Insertion Power of picking, velocity and acceleration of picking elements,
energy consumed, timings, drive to sley and healds. Shuttleless Looms Gripper, air-jet,
rapier and water-jet-looms, comparison of various weft insertion systems, fabric quality in shuttleless looms. Special
Weaves Types of weaves, Principles of two-phase, multiphase, circular and narrow fabric weaving. Weaving Calculations Calculation pertaining to loom mechanism, production and efficiency. Modern Weaving Machines Knowledge about the latest weaving machines, their comparative performance
and cost factors. Suggested Text
Books & References 1. Marks and Robinson,
"Principles of Weaving", Textile Institute, Manchester, 1986. 2. Thomas Fox, "Mechanism of Weaving", Bombay Universal Publishing Co., 1993. 3. Lord and Mohemad, "Conversion of Yarn to Fabric", Merrow Publishing Co. Ltd., England, 1988. 4. K.T. Aswani, "Plain Weaving Mechanism", Mahajan Publishers, Ahmedabad,
1996. 5. K.T. Aswani, "Fancy Weaving Mechanism", Mahajan
Publisher, Ahmedabad, 1990. 6. R. Sengupta, "Weaving Calculations",
Taraporwala Sons, Bombay, 1990. 7. N.N. Banerjee, "Weaving
Mechanism Vol. - I & Vol. II", West Bengal, 1994. 8.
Hasmukh Rai, "Fabric Forming", S.S.M. Institute of Tamil Nadu, 1996. 9. M.K. Talukdar, "Modern Weaving Technology", NICTAS, Ahmedabad, 1998. 10. WIRA Research & Technical service for Industry, "Rapier Looms". 11. P.A. Khatwani, "Weaving I Shuttle looms", NCUTE Publication, 1999. 12. P.A. Khatwani, "Weaving II Shuttleless Looms", NCUTE Publication, 1999. 13. P.A. Khatwani, "Filament Weaving", NCUTE Publication, 2000. 14. BTRA, "Loom Shed".
Processing Machinery and New Processes Development in machinery for preparatory, dyeing and
finishing. Development in dyeing Recent developments in dyeing of natural fibres, synthetic fibres and
their blends. Solvent assisted dyeing and solvent dyeing. Tie and dye, batik, mass coloration principle and technology. Problems
in dyeing and their solutions. Printing
Printing with kerosene and transfer printing.
Color Measurement Application of Computer Color Matching system to evaluate strength
/ purity of dye, shade matching, whiteness / yellowness index. Finishing Recent developments
in mechanical and chemical finishing, emerising biopolishing, water proofing and water repellency, flame proofing and its
evaluation. Application technique in finishing including foam finishing. Quantitative chemical analysis of textile fibres
and their blends. Identification and application of classes of dyes and bleaching agents. Environmental Concern Ecofriendly
processing and effluent treatment. Suggested
Text Books & References 1. V.A. Shenai,
"Technology of Textile Processing Vol. 2,3,4,6 and 10", Sevak Publisher, Bombay. 2. J.T. Marsh, "Mercerising", Chapman Publication, London. 3. J.T. Marsh, "An Introduction to Textile Finishing", Chapman Publication, London. 4. E.R. Trotman, "Textile Technology and Dyeing of Textile Fibres", Griffin
Publication, London. 5. V.A. Shenai, "Principle and Practice
of Dyeing", Sevak Publisher, Bombay. 6. V.A. Shenai,
"Fundamentals of Principles of Textile Wet Processing", Sevak Publisher, Bombay. 7. K.V. Datye and A.A. Vaidya, "Chemical Processing of Synthetic Fibres and Blends", Wiley Publication,
New York. 8. R.H. Peter, "Textile Chemistry Vol. 2", Elsevier
Publishing, London. 9. J.T. Marsh, "Textile Science",
Chapman, London. 10. A.R. Garde and Modi, "Chemical Processing
of Cotton and Polyester Blend", ATIRA, Ahmedabad. 11.
C.R. Prayag, "Dyeing of Silk and Manmade Fibre". 12. C.R.
Prayag, "Bleaching, Mercerising and Dyeing of Cotton". 13.
Padma Vankar, "Textile Effluents", NCUTE Publication, 2001.